Menyalin Menjalankan file konfigurasi dari Router ke Server TFTP

5/28/2011 To Live, To Travel 0 Comments

Langkah demi Langkah Instruksi
Lakukan langkah-langkah:
  1. Buat file baru, router-config, dalam direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP. Pada UNIX, gunakan sintaks: menyentuh <nama file>.
2.   sentuhan router-config
  1. Ubah hak akses file ke 777 dengan sintaks:> chmod <izin <nama file>.
4.   chmod 777 router-config
  1. Dari stasiun baris perintah manajemen, dengan penggunaan objek MIB writeNet memasukkan informasi ini:
6.    % Snmpset . swasta
 s router-config enterprises. = "router-config"

Verifikasi Konfigurasi
Pastikan bahwa router-config file di direktori / tftpboot dari salinan server TFTP lebih berhasil.

Menyalin Konfigurasi File dari Server TFTP ke Router
Langkah demi Langkah Instruksi
Lakukan langkah-langkah:
  1. Lakukan salah satu tugas ini:
    • Buat file baru, router-config di direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP. Pada UNIX, gunakan sintaks menyentuh <nama file>.
  sentuhan router-config
    • Tempatkan file konfigurasi ini di direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP.
  1. Ubah hak akses file ke 777 dengan menggunakan syntax chmod <izin> <nama file>.
  chmod 777 router-config
  1. Dari stasiun baris perintah manajemen, dengan penggunaan hostConfigSet objek MIB, masukkan ini:
4.    % Snmpset-t 60 . swasta
5.   s router-config OR% snmpset-t 60 swasta
 enterprises. = "router-config"
Dimana - t 60 sama dengan batas waktu 60 timeticks.
  1. Setelah file tersebut ditulis ke RAM, salin ke NVRAM dengan penggunaan writeMem objek MIB:
7.    % Snmpset-t 60 swasta . i 1
8.   enterprises. = 1
Menyalin Cisco IOS Image dari Router ke Server TFTP
Langkah demi Langkah Instruksi
Lakukan langkah-langkah:
  1. Lakukan salah satu tugas ini:
    • Buat file baru, router-gambar, dalam direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP. Pada UNIX, gunakan sintaks menyentuh <nama file>.
  sentuhan router-image
    • Gunakan nama file yang sama ditampilkan dalam output flash menunjukkan untuk menciptakan file pada direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP. Untuk contoh ini, router daftar c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA sebagai output untuk menunjukkan flash: perintah.
  sentuhan c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA
  1. Ubah hak akses file ke 777 dengan sintaks chmod <izin> <nama file>.
  chmod 777 c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA
  1. Dari stasiun baris perintah manajemen, dengan penggunaan flashToNet objek MIB, masukkan informasi ini:
4.    % Snmpset . swasta
5.   s c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA enterprises.
 = "C2600-i-mz.122-2.XA"
Verifikasi Konfigurasi
Setelah transfer file selesai, pastikan bahwa ukuran file (bytes) sama pada file di direktori / tftpboot dan pada router.
Menyalin Cisco IOS Image dari Server TFTP ke Router
Langkah demi Langkah Instruksi
Lakukan langkah-langkah:
  1. Tempatkan IOS image di direktori tftpboot / dari server TFTP. Pastikan bahwa Anda berkonsultasi dengan Software Area ( terdaftar pelanggan saja).
  2. Ubah hak akses file ke 777 dengan menggunakan syntax chmod <permissions> <filename>
  chmod 777 file> <IOS gambar
  1. Sebelum Anda memulai transfer file melalui SNMP, lakukan dir flash: atau menampilkan flash: dalam rangka untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki cukup ruang untuk file image IOS baru.
Jika Anda tidak memiliki ruang yang diperlukan di Flash Anda, transfer file gagal. Alternatif, Anda dapat menghapus Flash pertama untuk memberikan ruang bagi perangkat lunak IOS baru melalui SNMP. Jika demikian, gunakan perintah flashErase objek MIB dalam rangka untuk memasukkan informasi ini dari perintah baris stasiun manajemen:
  % Snmpset swasta . i 1
 enterprises. = 1
Catatan: Anda juga dapat menghapus router Flash secara manual ketika anda menjalankan perintah CLI menghapus flash:.
  1. Pastikan bahwa Flash terhapus sepenuhnya. Masalah flash dir: atau flash menunjukkan: perintah.
5.    Router # show flash:
6.   Flash sistem direktori:
7.   Tidak ada file dalam Sistem flash
8.   [0 byte yang digunakan, tersedia 33030144, 33030144 total]
9.   32768K bytes flash prosesor papan System (Baca / Tulis)
11. Router # dir flash:
12. Direktori flash: /
13. Tidak ada file dalam direktori
 33030144 bytes total (33030144 bytes gratis)
  1. Dari stasiun baris perintah manajemen, gunakan netToFlash objek MIB untuk memasukkan informasi ini dalam rangka untuk mentransfer file image IOS ke router:
15.  % Snmpset . swasta
16. s c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA.bin enterprises.
 = "C2600-i-mz.122-2.XA.bin"
Catatan: Dalam contoh ini, IOS image file, c2600-i-mz.122-2.XA.bin, digunakan untuk ilustrasi.
  1. Berdasarkan ukuran file (bytes) dari IOS image, langkah ini bisa memakan waktu beberapa menit untuk menyelesaikan.
Jika Anda mencoba untuk melakukan perintah dir flash CLI: ketika file dipindahkan pada router, output ini muncul. Output ini menunjukkan bahwa transfer file belum selesai.
  Router # dir flash:
 Error membuka% flash: / (Perangkat digunakan eksklusif)
  1. Setelah IOS image transfer file selesai, lakukan perintah CLI dir flash: atau flash menunjukkan: dalam rangka untuk memverifikasi bahwa kedua nama file dan ukuran file (bytes) sama persis dengan file yang digunakan / di direktori / tftpboot hadir dari server TFTP.
Anda kemudian dapat mengatur konfigurasi register ke nilai yang sesuai dan reload router (jika diperlukan) untuk memuat file IOS image baru. Mengacu pada IOS Cisco Konfigurasi Software dokumentasi untuk rincian lebih lanjut tentang cara melakukannya.

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5/27/2011 To Live, To Travel 0 Comments

   Paung adalah salah satu makanan khas Timor leste yang sangat lezat . Harganya murah , tapi lezatnya seperti makanan mahal . Biasanya roti ini dimakan pada pagi hari sebagai sarapan , di temani dengan hangatnya Kopi timor leste, bisa juga dinikmati menggunakan susu panas.

Bentuknya mungkin tidak ada menarik-menariknya, tapi jika anda mencoba, pasti pengen lagi :D
Mungkin , roti ini diadopsi dari makanan portugis, karena dulunya Timor leste adalah negara bekas jajahan Portugis.



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backup oracle

What Is Oracle Secure Backup?
Oracle Secure Backup supplies reliable data protection through file system backup to
tape. The Oracle Secure Backup SBT interface enables you to use Recovery Manager
(RMAN) to back up Oracle databases. All major tape drives and tape libraries in SAN,
Gigabit Ethernet, and SCSI environments are supported.
Oracle Secure Backup Features
Oracle Secure Backup enables you to do the following:
Centrally manage tape backup and restore operations of distributed,
mixed-platform environments (see
Oracle Secure Backup Installation Guide
supported machine architectures). You can access local and remote file systems
and devices from any location in a network without using NFS or CIFS.
Back up to and restore data from Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) on Linux and
Windo ws.
Use wildcards and exclusion lists to specify what you want to back up.
Perform multilevel incremental backups.
Duplex database backups so that the same data stream goes to multiple devices.
You can specify different media families or devices for each copy of the data.
Create backups that span multiple volumes.
Optimize tape resources with automatic drive sharing.
Restore data rapidly. Oracle Secure Backup uses direct-to-block positioning and
direct access restore to avoid unnecessarily reading tape blocks to locate files.
Oracle Secure Backup maintains a record of the tape position of all backup data in
its catalog for rapid retrieval.
Maintain security and limit the users who are authorized to perform data
management operations. By default, SSL is used for authentication and
communication between hosts in the administrative domain.
Oracle Secure Backup and Recovery Manager
Recovery Manager (RMAN)
is an Oracle Database-specific backup and recovery
utility. RMAN is a built-in part of Oracle Database and backs up, restores, and recovers
database files regardless of the type of disk storage used for these files.
RMAN knows and applies the complex rules that must be followed to recover Oracle
databases. If your database backup strategy needs storage resources other than local
disk, then you must use RMAN in conjunction with a general-purpose network
backup tool such as Oracle Secure Backup.
Oracle Secure Backup can back up all types of files on the file system. Although Oracle
Secure Backup has no specialized knowledge of database backup and recovery
algorithms, it can serve as a media management layer for RMAN through the
. In this capacity, Oracle Secure Backup provides the same services for RMAN
as other supported third-party SBT libraries. Oracle Secure Backup is better integrated
with Oracle Enterprise Manager, however, than other media managers.
Tab le 1–1
describes differences between RMAN and Oracle Secure Backup in terms of
the type of data backed up and the type of media used for backup storage.
Oracle Secure Backup  Re ference

What Is Oracle Secure Backup?
Table 1–1 Differences Between Oracle Secure Backup and RMAN
Type of Backup
Oracle Secure Backup
Recovery Manager
Type of Data
Backup and Restore
Backup and Restore
Oracle datafiles, control files, and
Tape Yes (only with RMAN) Yes (only through
archived redo logs
supported SBT interface)
Oracle datafiles, control files, and
Disk No Yes
archived redo logs
Non-database files on the file system Tape Yes No
Non-database files on the file system Disk No No
See Also:
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics
to learn about
Recovery Manager
Oracle Secure Backup Interfaces
Figure 1–1
shows the interfaces that you can use to access Oracle Secure Backup.
Figure 1–1 Interfaces to Oracle Secure Backup
Web tool
rman obtool
File system
Users interact with Oracle Secure Backup by means of one of the following tools:
Oracle Secure Backup Web tool
The Oracle Secure Backup Web tool is a browser-based GUI that enables you to
configure an administrative domain, manage the backup and restore of file system
data, and browse the backup catalog.
The Web tool utilizes an Apache Web server, which runs on the administrative
server. As explained in
"Using the Web Tool"
on page 3-2, you can access the Web
tool from any Web browser that can connect to this server.
Oracle Secure Backup command-line interface (
Oracle Secure Backup provides a command-line program called
as an
alternative to the Web tool. You ca n log in to the administrative domain through
to back up and restore file system data and to perform configuration and
administration tasks.
As explained in
"Using obtool"
on page 3-8, you can run the
utility on any
host in the administrative domain on which Oracle Secure Backup is installed.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control and Grid Control
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup

Oracle Secure Backup and NDMP
Oracle Enterprise Manager is a set of GUI-based tools for managing the Oracle
environment. You can use Enterprise Manager to schedule and perform RMAN
backups through the Oracle Secure Backup SBT interface. You can also perform
administrative tasks such as managing media and devices within the Oracle
Secure Backup administrative domain. The Enterprise Manager console includes a
link to the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool.
As explained in
"Using Oracle Enterprise Manager"
on page 3-8, you can use
Enterprise Manager Database Control to back up a database on the administrative
server. You can run Enterprise Manager Grid Control on any database host within
the administrative domain and use this interface to manage all database backup
and restore operations.
Recovery Manager command-line interface (
You can use the RMAN command-line interface to configure and initiate backup
and restore operations that use the Oracle Secure Backup SBT interface. The
RMAN utility is located in the
subdirectory of an Oracle home.
As explained in
"Interfaces for Managing Database Backup and Recovery"
page 6-2, you can run the RMAN command-line client on any database host so
long as it can connect to the target database. For RMAN to make backups to Oracle
Secure Backup, the Oracle Secure Backup SBT library must reside on the same host
as the target database.
See Also:
Chapter 3, "Getting Started"
for an orientation to the interfaces to
Oracle Secure Backup
Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
and the Enterprise
Manager online help to learn how to use Enterprise Manager
Oracle Secure Backup Reference
to learn about
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics
to learn about the
Recovery Manager command-line interface
Oracle Secure Backup and NDMP
Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP)
defines a common architecture for
backups of file servers on a network. NDMP specifies the format and means of
transmission of messages and payload data. NDMP is an open standard protocol that
is promoted and supported by industry vendors.
NDMP enables a centralized backup application, which is called the
Management Application (DMA)
, to back up and restore file servers that run on
different platforms. NDMP is commonly used by
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
devices, also known as
s, to perform backup and restore operations without
requiring backup software to be installed. This model is different from the classical
backup model, which requires the installation of backup  software on each host.
The DMA manages backup and restore operations by establishing a TCP/IP-based
control connection with an NDMP server. An NDMP server provides NDMP services,
which are the NDMP interfaces to the storage devices. The
data service
transfers data
to and from the primary disk storage, whereas the
tape service
transfers data to and
from secondary storage such as a tape drive.
With NDMP, network congestion is minimized because the data path and control path
are separated. Data transfer can occur locally—from file servers directly to and from
tape drives—while management occurs centrally.
Oracle Secure Backup  Re ference

Administrative Domains
Oracle Secure Backup uses NDMP for data transfer and remote control of tape drives
and tape libraries. Thus, Oracle Secure Backup supports devices connected to
Windows, Linux, and UNIX hosts with Oracle Secure Backup's internal NDMP server.
While Oracle Secure Backup leverages NDMP, it is transparent to users except when
backing up a NAS device that requires NDMP for optimal backup operations.
In addition to Windows, Linux, and UNIX hosts, Oracle Secure Backup supports
special-purpose appliances such as Network Appliance filers, Mirapoint message
servers, and DinoStor tape appliances. These appliances can be backed up locally or
remotely, but cannot perform the role of Oracle Secure Backup administrative server
because backup software cannot be installed on them.
Although Oracle Secure Backup uses NDMP, specific NAS devices utilizing NDMP
must still be tested and supported by Oracle Secure Backup. Refer to the device matrix
at the following URL for a list of supported NAS devices:
See Also:
to learn more about NDMP
Appendix A, "NDMP Usage Notes"
Administrative Domains
administrative domain
is a network of hosts that you manage as a common unit to
perform backup and restore operations. To configure Oracle Secure Backup, you need
to assign roles to each host in the domain. A single host can have one or more of the
following roles:
Administrative server
You can assign this role to a host in your administrative domain that contains a
copy of Oracle Secure Backup software. The administrative server maintains the
configuration data and catalogs for the domain (see
"Administrative Data"
page 1-7). An administrative domain has one and only one administrative server.
The administrative server runs the Oracle Secure Backup
, which starts
and monitors backup and restore jobs within the administrative domain. You
choose your administrative server when you install Oracle Secure Backup. Note
that the administrative server can co-reside on a host with other applications or
function as a dedicated, single-purpose server.
Media server
You can assign this role to a host that has one or more secondary storage devices,
such as tape libraries or tape d rives, connected to it. An administrative domain has
one or more media servers.
You can assign this role to a host whose locally-accessed data is backed up by
Oracle Secure Backup. An administrative domain has one or more client hosts.
Most hosts defined within the administrative domain are clients.
Figure 1–2
illustrates a sample Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain. In this
scenario, the domain includes five hosts: an administrative server, a media server with
attached tape library, and three clients. Two of the clients run Oracle databases; the
other client is a NAS appliance.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup

Administrative Domains
Figure 1–2 Administrative Domain with Five Hosts
Data Flow
Oracle Secure
Backup Clients
Secure Backup
Secure Backup
Media Server
UNIX Linux
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Control Flow
Figure 1–3
illustrates a different Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain that
contains a single Linux host. This host assumes the roles of administrative server,
media server, and client. The host runs an Oracle database and has a tape library
locally attached.
Figure 1–3 Administrative Domain with One Host
Enterprise Manager
Database Control
Oracle Secure Backup
Administrative Server,
Media Server, and Client
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Oracle Secure Backup  Re ference

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